An awesome weekend
Saturday and sunday were totally low key- Matt was getting over the nasty cold I gave him. Monday he indulged me totally and we went out of the house. We went to Thai food for lunch- yummy then we went shopping. We picked up a few things for Kaden at Babies 'r' us and a few things for Matt at Best Buy but the best shopping was for my b-day present. :) Matt had me pick out some herbs for an herb garden. I got garlic chives, lemon thyme, basil, oregano, marjoram, and rosemary. I'm excited to use some fresh herbs in my cooking. Hopefully they will inspire me. I need to find a good sunny spot for the plants. Most of them like full sun and our porch is shaded. I think the window sill in my dining room might work though- it seemed to have sun on it this afternoon. Matt also let me go shirt shopping. I needed some nice long shirts. I am so thankful they are in style right now- made it pretty easy to find. I am having such a weird time with clothes post pregnancy. I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant but I fit clothes very differently than I did before. My weight is in all sorts of unattractive places. I need to work out to get it in better places and formations. :) Matt was very good to me and let me shop as long as I needed which was quite a bit longer than he could stand really. I found five new shirts so I am done for the year. :) At least I should be on our new budget. Kaden surprised me with some soap. I will have Matt write the story of how he picked it out. :)
The fourth is my b-day and Matt indulged me once again. We went to the ward party- a picnic in back of the church and stayed and watched the fireworks from there. Kaden woke up for the fireworks and seemed appropriately amazed by them. It was so nice to just hang out as a family with no tv or computers to distract us. It was a wonderful day. I like having my b-day on a national holiday. I liked having my husband home all day to pamper me.
I have decided to learn how to sew. My great-aunt has a sewing room at her house that she opens up to all the women in the ward on Wednesdays. Kaden can go in his jumper over there for awhile and I can just take my time alternating between playing with him and sewing. My aunt knows how to make him laugh too so I may get a little help with him as well. I found a pattern in one of her books for a quilt for Kaden's future bed. :) It is all squares and triangles so it shouldn't be too hard. I have a lot of time to complete it too. The main part of it forms roads and buildings on the roads. The sides are Parking lots that are actually pockets which hang off the side of the bed to hold toy cars. :) It's really cool. I'll post pics if I ever finish it. :)
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