Thursday, July 06, 2006

The pros and cons of digi-scrapping

So I like that I can do a page in minutes. I usually spend more than a few minutes on them because I want them to look good. But I can put one together pretty quickly as long as I have an idea for what to do... I like that I can post them and get feedback on them quickly. But I am sad that I don't have the artsy craftsy feel to it. Staring at the computer screen is just not as fun. plus a lot of the embellishments come off as cheesy. I really want to do a mixture of digiscrapping and adding physical elements to the pages. But I don't have time right now. Here's the latest page. I need to do a companion page for it still. Ink is cheap for my printer too so right now this is the most affordable way to do it.... Since I do it on my laptop I can still go and scrap with other people too. :) So for now and probably a long while this will do. I am definitely getting a lot more done this way than I was when I tried to do it all by hand. Though I need to print out the pages.... The journaling reads:
Kaden Thomas age 4 months
He looks so much older than he
is whenever I put him in clothes
like this. Something about a
t-shirt and shorts looks much
more grown-up than a onesie.
We propped him up against the
couch for the picture. He
stays sitting up for a little while
but eventually he falls over.
As you can see he enjoys
sitting up and catching the
view from that angle.

Did I tell you that Kaden's favorite place is the bathroom. All the lights and mirrors make him smile. It's really funny. The bathroom knocks him out of any sour mood. Anyway- let me know what you think of the page.


Blogger Gina said...

That page is way cute! You are right, when we dress them up like little men, that is surely what they look like.

6:23 AM


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