Sunday, September 10, 2006

So sad the weekend is over

Matt didn't have to work on Saturday! yay! He didn't have to work until Sunday afternoon after church. He was excited to go in though because he went to Universal Studios to help with the filming of a commercial! He got to see what it's like to film on a real green screen instead of in front of a makeshift blue tarp. :) Cool!

On Saturday Matt worked to get the office ready to move Kaden into it. Yay! No more baby in our room! I think I might start sleeping better... we'll see. He slept better last night(still in our room though). I'll post pictures when the transformation is complete. Kaden will be sharing the office with my husband but it will have a corner that is all his. :) Oh the challenges of apartment living and expensive rent.

On Saturday we went to a Luau at a fellow church member's home. It was a lot of fun. They brought in Hawaiian dancers- even a fire dancer! I was impressed.

In Kaden news he now has two bottom teeth! Poor guy no wonder he hasn't been sleeping well. Two new teeth in the space of about a week. Craziness.... and I thought he was chewing through everything before!


Blogger Gina said...

sounds like a fun weekend! Cool for Matt to see that commercial being filmed!

Yeah, the teething goes fast once it starts... I am amazed at how quickly he's gotten 4 teeth... all in a month!

Love you!

10:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much has been going on since I last checked in. All those teeth coming in WOW poor guy must have been grumpy and making mom sleep deprived. Hopefully the rest will come in a little slower and less noticeably (painwise for Kaden and you).

In regards to housework-Life is too short to waste it cleaning. If dirt was going to hurt; Kathy would never had lived as she would sit in a firepit and eat the ashes, ate mud and anything else she got her hands on. Even Doctors are saying homes are too germ free these days and that is why they are seeing so many more childrem with allergies.

Use paper plates and cups instead of dishes that stack up. We have found them well worth the cost if bought in bulk from Costco or Sams Club. I have also found the Swifter Dust Mop/Vaccum faster and easier to use than a real heavy vaccum.

In regards to the dust, ignore it until it is so thick that Kaden can practice writing his name in it and he can erase it and rewrite another word.

All your home really needs to be is picked up, and for that have a large chest in the corner of each room that you can throw things into 5 minutes before your husband gets home and he will be happy to come home to a clean house.

love Aunt Mary Lee

5:50 PM


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