Tuesday, August 08, 2006


On Sunday Kaden was making loud happy noises in Sacrament(church meeting). Two young teenage boys in front of us turned around to see what all the noise was. Immediately when they saw Kaden they smiled. After Sacrament one of them came up to me to tell me that I have a cute boy! How cool to have a boy of that age happy and interested in a baby. It reminds me of when I was in High school and another LDS boy in my class was asked about his future. He answered that his future family would be his first priority in life and that his future career would have to take that into account. For me this combined well with the qoute from Bonnie D Parkin in the Relief Society message. "We protect when we teach our children that they have divine worth, when we go to church as a family, when we have family home evening, when we have family prayer, when we study the scriptures together. That's all pretty simple stuff, but I testify to you that it provides powerful protection. . . . " I think that their interest and pleasure in Family truly comes from the teaching of our children that they have Divine Worth. It is with that confidence and love that they then see life and family- confidence and love that can only come through knowing God and his confidence in and his love for us. They know how important they are. Matt blessed Kaden to know of his importance as a Child of God in his baby blessing. I know that is the most important teaching he will ever learn.


Blogger Gina said...

Those are some wonderful thoughts. Thanks for the uplifting post! Much Love!!!

8:00 AM


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