Thursday, August 31, 2006

first tooth

Last night as Kaden was chewing on my hand I noticed something sharp. On further inspection his first tooth has broken through on the bottom! My baby is growing up!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I was looking through some ads before throwing them away. Not so exciting I know- but Kaden thought it was quite thrilling. He loves to eat all that colored paper. I had the ad in my hand and he was on the floor. He started kicking his legs and laughing in anticipation. He had his arms out and they were shaking with the excitement of getting his hands on those ads. It was the most hilarious thing. Of course we worry about what eating dyed paper will do to his digestive system so we don't let him chew it for too long. ;) But he was so excited we couldn't let him go without rattling the pages a little. Man, is he spoiled. :) We got some of his reaction on video. That's one he will love at his wedding reception.

Kaden has the Army crawl down really well. I bought some more baby proofing supplies at Babies r' us today. He complains the whole time he creeps -grumbling that there has to be a better way to move. When we hold him up by the hands he has started taking some tiny steps. I am scared for him to star crawling and walking. He is already into everything! My life is about to be turned upside down- again...

He sat up in the bath on his own for the first time. Then he decided to lean over to his toes to grab a toy. After snorting in some water in surprise he lifted his head again. Silly boy! I was proud of him for not crying. I was able to calm him pretty quickly and he went on to have a very enjoyable bath without anymore head dipping.

I bought him a sippy cup to start getting him used to that. Currently he likes to chew on the handles... hmmmm....

Monday, August 28, 2006

ABC's of me

I saw this elsewhere and thought it was cool so here goes...

A-age of first kiss: 16
B- Band you are listening to right now:
C-Crush: Still love Colin Firth- mainly in Pride and Prejudice although we just saw him in Nanny Mcphee and still love him...
D-Dessert: Better than Sex cake( haven't had it since we moved away from my sister-in-law- I need to get the recipe and make up a reason to make it)
E-Easiest person to talk to: My hubbie and all of my BF's from everywhere I've lived
F-Favorite Ice cream: Safeway Select Moosetracks ice cream- I even like the light version!
G-Gummy Worms or Gummy Bears? I have to go with bears- the worms never have quite enough flavor...
H- Happiest moment: Not sure there have been so many- pretty much any moment spent with both my husband and son together as a family
I-Instruments: I took Violin and Piano and Singing lessons- the only one of those I would attempt today is singing and only in a choir so I can blend my voice in with the others.
J- Junior high:- I attended Saline Middle School and Harvest Park Middle
K- Kids: Kaden, 6 months
L-Longest Car ride ever: probably the move from Seattle to LA, while 5 months prego...Although one of our trips home from Canada was harder- I was throwing up and my Aunt's vehicle kept breaking down... so we got delayed a little...
M-Messiest place in your house: Probably the bathroom in our bedroom although I have been working on it- It's all unpacked now- No one sees it but us though so it definitely does not get as much attention
N- Nickname: D
O- One wish: To be an eternally happy family :)
P- Phobia: Of deep water or of anything happening to my son
Q- Qoute: "Happiness is not the absence of pain but rather the presence of God."
R-Reason to smile: Kaden doing something new and funny
S- Song you sang last: The nutcracker song- I think the sugar plum fairy one- more hummed it than sang it since there are no words
T- Time you woke up today: off and on between 7:30 and 9.
U- Where you are: In the computer nook next to my son in the jumper
V- Victorious moment: Holding my son in my arms for the first time
W-worst habit: laziness
X- Xrays you've had- none but lots of ultrasounds- oh wait I think I had an e-ray of my neck once
Y- Yoga or Yoda: Yoda
Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Kaden went to bed early

And he stayed asleep so I digiscrapped while Matt played Halo(with his family on-line) and tried to figure out how to best transfer the video we have taken from our camera to our computers so we can burn it to DVD. We need to send my cousin a copy of her wedding! Anyway- here's the page I did. You can check this site to see what digital supplies I used- I list them all there for all of the pages I do. Go to then look in my gallery. So anyway... here's the page I did. I love Kaden's expressions in each of these photos. Oh and make sure you scroll down- I have posted a lot this weekend.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A new version of the new LO

I think I like this better- let me know what you think.

newest layout

Sleeping with his bum in the air!
Don't you love the Mohawk? I can't get enough of it!
(click on image to see larger) then you can read it :)
Army Crawling across the floor
So my newest page is about me. I did it for a challenge. I think I may add another picture to it. It still feels like it is missing something. I tried breaking out of my box a little on this one. It is still more linear than I would like but that is partly due to the fact that I am still learning photoshop elements and don't quite know how to get it to do everything I want it to do. Here are some 6 month photos of Kaden too.

SO Kaden just did the cutest thing ever. He is on the floor next to me playing with an empty wipes container. I start hearing this tapping noise. I looke over at kaden and he is tapping on the wall. He gives me this huge smile and looks at his feet. Then he rattles the wipes container. He is totally making music(well, ok, noise) and he knows it. I got it on Video. He was very pleased with the "music" he was making. :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thank our Troops

I thought this was cool- Xerox is sending Thank you cards to the troops. All we have to do is go online pick a card and personalize it with a message.

check it out!

6 months!

Yesterday Kaden turned 6 months old!!!! This is really the only time in your life where you half birthday is a huge milestone- although you may think it's a big deal when you are fifteen and a half or so...

Kaden at 6 months:
He is always looking around for what he can grab
He hates taking naps (I just got him down for one and let me tell you it is a struggle)
He likes bananas and sweet potatoes and breast milk of course
He is ticklish
He likes being thrown in the air
He scoots himself on his back ( I am afraid he is going to get a bald spot)
He puts everything in his mouth
He can roll over in both directions and can creep forward to reach a toy
He recognizes his Mom and Dad
He giggles at toys that fly in the air and then drop on the ground
He giggles at his "cousins" Jayden, Kelsey, and Jordan
He likes baths and the pool and the ocean and water in general
He scratches at things to feel them
He grabs hair and glasses and noses
He gives big slobbery kisses
He likes kisses
His daddy's goatee tickles him when he kisses him
He rocks back and forth on his hands and knees
He passes toys from hand to hand and studies them
He likes it when Mommy sings to him
He likes going on the swing at the park
He stays awake for stroller rides now- though they will get him to sleep if he is really tired
He plays with toys with both his hands and his feet (He is quite coordinated with his feet)
He is a good travelling baby because he is curious
He loves to be able to move around freely or be held but he doesn't like being strapped in a chair
He smiles easily and a lot
He loves "talking" and spitting with his tongue sticking out

That's all for now... He is pretty amazing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

want 2?

I baby-sat for a friend today. She has a 3 year old son. He was very well behaved actually. If Kaden is as well behaved as him I will be able to handle having two kids. Of course Kaden at 6 months(today!!!) is a lot easier to deal with than Kaden at 1 month. I wonder how I will have the energy for two kids or more. It is a totally different ball game than just having one. I am thankful for the glimpses of what it could be like. Today was fun. We played with cars and trains and balls. Kaden loved it. He loves new things expecially if they move. I am happy!

I am tired! I haven't been sleeping well. I keep having nightmares. Blah... Kaden slept well when he was sick last week- but I didn't. Now he's better and back to eating every 3-5 hours. He won't eat most solid foods. He likes Bananas and Sweet potatoes. That's it so far. He doesn't even like pears or applesauce! Well I guess it is too early to say that completely- we'll try again in a few weeks.

So I am too tired to write... so I ramble... basically - life is good!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My new page

Here's the page I made today. I did it for a challenge on We had to use the lyrics from a one hit wonder as our inspiration. As you can see I chose I'll be there for you by the Rembrandts (otherwise known as the Friends theme song). This song actually reminds me of my Best Friend from WA Liz. Friends started while we were in High school. We weren't watching TV at my house so I would occasionally watch it with her and when I didn't she kept me updated on the story line. More than that though she was my Friend who was always there for me. I thought that the lyrics went great with this pic of Matt and Kaden though. I just love the Trust Kaden has in us. On this particular night Kaden fell asleep on Matt as soon as he laid down. Kaden was totally sprawled out on Matt's chest. Matt fell asleep not too long after. It was very cute! I love how good my husband is with Kaden. He always tries to make special time with him each night even though he is not home much during the week. He always lets me sleep in on Saturday even when he has had a long work week. Matt is an excellent Husband and dedicated Father. I am truly blessed.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Splashing in the pool

Kaden was so cute in the pool this week. I have to watch him every second because he loves to dip his head down and taste the water. He splashed a little and then he looked at his hands with amazement. It's so fun to watch him try and figure out how things work. He's a smart little bugger and pretty well coordinated. He is still frustrated that he can't crawl. It is only a matter of minutes until he figures it out. He sits up pretty well now until he gets distracted by something just out of his reach. He is always diving for things. Pretty soon he will land on his head. Hopefully not too soon.
I actually entered a digital challenge at The inspiration for the week was my work. Since my work is Kaden I centered the page around him. I like the way it turned out. I'll let you know if I win for the week or not. :) The competition is pretty good. I like having a challenge to scrap for. It gave me great inspiration for this layout. We'll see if next week is as inspiring. Here are the pages...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Picture people

We had a coupon for a free 8x10 from the picture people. Then we bought a package where we will get three 8X10 and ten dollars off of any extra poses we buy- this is for future photo shoots. SO this time around we came home with an 8x10 and a 10x13. We will probably have them do a family photo around Christmas time. They gave us a coupon for a free 8x10 at Halloween. :) That will be fun. So anyway... here are the photos that we bought. :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


On Sunday Kaden was making loud happy noises in Sacrament(church meeting). Two young teenage boys in front of us turned around to see what all the noise was. Immediately when they saw Kaden they smiled. After Sacrament one of them came up to me to tell me that I have a cute boy! How cool to have a boy of that age happy and interested in a baby. It reminds me of when I was in High school and another LDS boy in my class was asked about his future. He answered that his future family would be his first priority in life and that his future career would have to take that into account. For me this combined well with the qoute from Bonnie D Parkin in the Relief Society message. "We protect when we teach our children that they have divine worth, when we go to church as a family, when we have family home evening, when we have family prayer, when we study the scriptures together. That's all pretty simple stuff, but I testify to you that it provides powerful protection. . . . " I think that their interest and pleasure in Family truly comes from the teaching of our children that they have Divine Worth. It is with that confidence and love that they then see life and family- confidence and love that can only come through knowing God and his confidence in and his love for us. They know how important they are. Matt blessed Kaden to know of his importance as a Child of God in his baby blessing. I know that is the most important teaching he will ever learn.