Monday, July 31, 2006

Another Monday

We had a good weekend. Matt spent barely any time on his computer if you can believe it. We left Kaden with my cousin and went and saw Superman Returns. We enjoyed it. It's nice to be able to swap babysitting- otherwise I don't think we would ever get out on a date just the two of us. We keep them pretty short right now since Kaden isn't really interested in Solid food. Well he's interested in whatever we are eating but he is not interested in pureed carrots or peas. He had bad gas this morning too. Poor guy. We both need a nap.

It has finally cooled off here. Today feels great. I'm ready to clean house it's a nice and comfortable temperature to do it in. I had Matt lock the TV so I can't watch it during the day. I didn't watch it all day long but I would have it on all day long for other noise in the house. It would distract me a lot from whatever I was doing too. Now I put on music instead. That way I can give Kaden more quality time and maybe I'll get some work done. :) Maybe. It's a little boring but it will get better. Should help our electric bill too to have it off. I'm sure that life will get busier as Kaden gets older so that I won't be at home alone as much.

I am starting hobbies- like I sew every Wednesday and I scrapbook occasionally both at home and in groups. None of them really involve Kaden directly though and he doesn't let me do them very often. I didn't get much sewing done last Wednesday. It is frustrating when I have the time but I can't focus on it. But the Boy is the most important and I love his smiles that he so freely gives. The laugh is really special since he fights giving it. And that makes it all ok. There are free classes at my ward building for computer programs. I am going to try and take those on Tuesday nights. I want to learn how to use Dreamweaver (a program for designing web pages) and Photo Shop. When I do I will move this blog to my own website. I may be able to bring in some income designing web pages too- nothing huge but every little bit means maybe we can do dinner and a movie or go on a cheap vacation. We really want to get out to Utah next year and show Kaden to Matt's Grandma's and have him meet all of our friends' kids. :) Here's to hoping...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Kaden's Giggles

So I have discovered two things that have made Kaden laugh more than once. He is hard to get to laugh- he sticks his fingers in his mouth and coughs so he won't laugh. That is pretty funny too. His laugh is so contagious! I love it! So one thing that he laughs at is I take a toy bear rattle and dance it around by the Tail. When it bonks into his hands or feet he laughs at it. Not sure what is so funny but he laughs pretty hard at it. The other thing is I sing the dun dun dun dun of the Empire from Star Wars as I basically do Squats with him in my arms. I will try to get video of that this weekend. He loves it. It's really good excercise for me too! Gotta love it!

It's been a good week. I think I will finally mail out my Kaden Announcements this weekend!!! I know he is 5 months old now! They are really really late. Sorry- it took me a while to get the pictures on there and even longer to address them all. I worked so hard making them that I have decided to send them out anyway- even if they are really late. I know you have been inundated with photos of Kaden - sorry. Hope you think they are beautiful anyway. I know you all think that he is gorgeous. To which I say- I can't agree more!

It seems like it might finally be cooling down for a little while. At 10 this morning it was 87 and felt like it was 95. Yikes and that's cooling down! Oh well I'll take it!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things you'd never think to ask...

1. Have you ever been questioned by the cops?

Yes... Once about a murder suspect and once, very embarrassingly, when I was with a now es-boyfriend...

2. Do you close your eyes on rollercoasters?

No! I love Rollercoasters!

3. Whens the last time you've been sledding?

I think it's been over 6 years...I've been snowboarding...well 4 yrs ago I need to go sledding!

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone ?

With my husband

5. Do you believe in ghosts?

No- not the commercialized go Boo! kind- anyway

6. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?

Believe it or not, I actually like both of them!

7. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Not really

8. Do you know how to play poker? I forget

9. How do you feel about your last ex?

happy I haven't seen him in 6 plus years.

10. Do you like to cuddle? Yes

11. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is in sight, would you speed?

Depends on where I am going and how long it is going to take to get there- but then it doesn't have to be the middle of the night for that either....

12. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? I don't think so actually...

13. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?

Seattle Mariners- back in 1997

14. How often do you remember your dreams?

Only occasionally

15. Name five songs by the Beatles.

Yellow Submarine, I wanna hold your hand, 8 days a week, Abbey Road, Come together.

16. What's the one thing on your mind?
How to teach my 5 month old to take regular naps.

17. Do you believe in love at first sight ? I believe in interest at first sight.

18. What talent do you wish you had?

I wish I were better at housecleaning and that I enjoyed it more.

19. What do you want most right now?

A nap

20. Whys that?

Because I have a 5 month old who sleeps 3-5 hours at a time

21. What do you wear to bed?


25. Do you know anyone in jail?

not currently- oh wait I do know two people in jail- not well though- My grandma writes to one though....

26. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?" Not that I can remember…

27. Who is your biggest fan? Matt and Kaden

28. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?

Don't remember specifically but probably

29. If you could live anywhere where would you live?


30. If you could be any animal what would you be? A horse

31. Your best quality?

I truly love

32. Best feature?

My eyes

33. When was the last time you drank?

alcohol never- water with lime is my favorite

34. Have you ever spent the night with a person of the opposite sex?
Since I'm married and have a five month old- you figure it out....

35. Miss high school? No

22. Have you ever been caught stealing?


23. Rock or Rap?


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

It is not cooling off at night! I thought we moved to the desert! It's supposed to cool off at night. It's been over 90 all week and in the 80s at night. We are such wusses when it comes to heat. Gives us wet Seattle anyday. Of course it's been 90 degrees in Seattle too. So we'd be hating the heat wherever- this week anyway.

I don't really have anything to say.... The highlight of our weekend was buying a nice Vacuum cleaner. With Kaden rolling all over the place we decided to buy a top rated vacuum. So since I obviously don't have anything else to say I will post some pics of my handsome Son. :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun summer days

We have been having a good time this summer. We are lucky to have relatives nearby with swimming pools. I worry about taking Kaden swimming by myself- it's nice to have at least one other adult there. My cousins pool is heated so it has been perfect water for Kaden. He's fallen asleep in the pool twice now! He's so cute! He likes the water more and more. Today we went swimming and he loved jumping up and down on the top step. He's started sticking out his tongue and spitting at the same time. It's so funny. We gave him rice cereal for the first time and he didn't like it too much. His expressions were priceless. We caught some good video of it. I just put pictures up on my picture website of Kaden. Hopefully soon we will be able to put video up there too. I'll let you know. We are keeping that site private though so I won't post the link here. I have e-mailed the liknk to you already if you are family or friends- if not- email me and I will send it.

Right now he is learning to spin around in his Jumper. He's used to turning himself around it but at a kind of leisurely jumping pace. Now he is holding it still twisting it up and spinning on one foot. He's so concentrated on it. He loves the fast feeling of spinning.

He loves being turned upside down. It's the best way to tickle him and get him to laugh.

When did my little boy grow up?

I started tutoring a neighbor girl for an hour each day. I bring Kaden with me and we read he science book for next year. It'll be nice to get some extra pocket money.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Kaden rolling over

Last night Kaden rolled halfway across the living room floor. He rolled over to get a toy and then had to roll again because he hates being on his stomach. He just kep going. He would get stuck with his arm under him every once in awhile. I don't think this is his new mode of travel yet though. He hasn't done it today. He is growing far too fast! We need to baby proof this apartment immediately!

He is teething. Yuck! Fussy boy! I have given him the homeopathic tablets but I don't know that they do anything for him... Oh well... back to the fussy boy...

He also grabs and squirms at everything! He won't sit still anymore. As I said growing up way too fast...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I have caught Kaden rolling over from his back to his stomach. He usually doesn't roll the whole way over because he doesn't like to be on his stomach. He twists the bottom half of him over while keeping his head and shoulders on his side. He has quite a lot of control over it actually. He's starting to laugh at zerbits too. It's so fun!

We've had a busy week. We've been away from home most days which is really nice. It's good to get me away form my tv. and my computer. We went to the park and the mall this week. Today I picked out fabrics for my first sewing project. Should be fun.

We have finally uploaded pictures so I am going to add pictures to some of my old blogs and one of Kaden in the outfit I found for him at the mall. I love the clearance rack. :) we already had the shorts I just got him a t-shirt and the Camo hat. I knew that Matt would love the camo hat. here are the latest scrapbook pages I've done too. The journaling just talks about how much Kaden loves to eat his fingers and toes and how aggressive he gets about it sometimes. You can see where his teeth are getting close to breaking through on his bottom gums. He's growing up way too fast!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The pros and cons of digi-scrapping

So I like that I can do a page in minutes. I usually spend more than a few minutes on them because I want them to look good. But I can put one together pretty quickly as long as I have an idea for what to do... I like that I can post them and get feedback on them quickly. But I am sad that I don't have the artsy craftsy feel to it. Staring at the computer screen is just not as fun. plus a lot of the embellishments come off as cheesy. I really want to do a mixture of digiscrapping and adding physical elements to the pages. But I don't have time right now. Here's the latest page. I need to do a companion page for it still. Ink is cheap for my printer too so right now this is the most affordable way to do it.... Since I do it on my laptop I can still go and scrap with other people too. :) So for now and probably a long while this will do. I am definitely getting a lot more done this way than I was when I tried to do it all by hand. Though I need to print out the pages.... The journaling reads:
Kaden Thomas age 4 months
He looks so much older than he
is whenever I put him in clothes
like this. Something about a
t-shirt and shorts looks much
more grown-up than a onesie.
We propped him up against the
couch for the picture. He
stays sitting up for a little while
but eventually he falls over.
As you can see he enjoys
sitting up and catching the
view from that angle.

Did I tell you that Kaden's favorite place is the bathroom. All the lights and mirrors make him smile. It's really funny. The bathroom knocks him out of any sour mood. Anyway- let me know what you think of the page.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Kaden in his church clothes

Here's Kaden in the outfit his Aunt Tara got for him. He wore it this last Sunday and got tons of compliments.

An awesome weekend

Here's Kaden asleep on his daddy right before the fireworks started.
Kaden trying to eat the camera.
Kaden and Daddy making rock show faces.

Saturday and sunday were totally low key- Matt was getting over the nasty cold I gave him. Monday he indulged me totally and we went out of the house. We went to Thai food for lunch- yummy then we went shopping. We picked up a few things for Kaden at Babies 'r' us and a few things for Matt at Best Buy but the best shopping was for my b-day present. :) Matt had me pick out some herbs for an herb garden. I got garlic chives, lemon thyme, basil, oregano, marjoram, and rosemary. I'm excited to use some fresh herbs in my cooking. Hopefully they will inspire me. I need to find a good sunny spot for the plants. Most of them like full sun and our porch is shaded. I think the window sill in my dining room might work though- it seemed to have sun on it this afternoon. Matt also let me go shirt shopping. I needed some nice long shirts. I am so thankful they are in style right now- made it pretty easy to find. I am having such a weird time with clothes post pregnancy. I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant but I fit clothes very differently than I did before. My weight is in all sorts of unattractive places. I need to work out to get it in better places and formations. :) Matt was very good to me and let me shop as long as I needed which was quite a bit longer than he could stand really. I found five new shirts so I am done for the year. :) At least I should be on our new budget. Kaden surprised me with some soap. I will have Matt write the story of how he picked it out. :)

The fourth is my b-day and Matt indulged me once again. We went to the ward party- a picnic in back of the church and stayed and watched the fireworks from there. Kaden woke up for the fireworks and seemed appropriately amazed by them. It was so nice to just hang out as a family with no tv or computers to distract us. It was a wonderful day. I like having my b-day on a national holiday. I liked having my husband home all day to pamper me.

I have decided to learn how to sew. My great-aunt has a sewing room at her house that she opens up to all the women in the ward on Wednesdays. Kaden can go in his jumper over there for awhile and I can just take my time alternating between playing with him and sewing. My aunt knows how to make him laugh too so I may get a little help with him as well. I found a pattern in one of her books for a quilt for Kaden's future bed. :) It is all squares and triangles so it shouldn't be too hard. I have a lot of time to complete it too. The main part of it forms roads and buildings on the roads. The sides are Parking lots that are actually pockets which hang off the side of the bed to hold toy cars. :) It's really cool. I'll post pics if I ever finish it. :)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Matt's home for Four days!

I love national holidays! woohoo! I get a 4 day weekend with my hubbie for my b-day. That's the best. Today I have knitted a little and digi-scrapped a page. I'm going to try and post the page I scrapped here... Let's see if it works. The journaling reads "I had to search to find these pictures of you. You don't cry very much really. You do complain a lot though. Expecially when we put you on your belly. You hate that! Kaden age 1-3 mos."